App Intelligence for Account-Based Marketing (ABM)7 min read

Account-based marketing (ABM) is taking the mobile and CTV world by storm. Here’s how to access 2.1+ million app publisher leads and bolster ABM.

Top SDK Awards 2023: Analytics, Sales, & Marketing SDKs5 min read

Introducing 42matters’ SDK Badges! 42matters awards the top Software Development Kits (SDKs) for analytics, sales, & marketing integrated in iOS & Android apps.

Top SDK Awards 2023: App Features & Functionalities7 min read

Introducing 42matters’ SDK Badges! 42matters awards the top Software Development Kits (SDKs) for adding features and functionalities to iOS & Android apps.

Best SDK for Mobile Apps8 min read

Looking for the best SDK for mobile apps? See the top SDKs for: monetization, analytics, sales, marketing, security, privacy, development, AR, VR, etc.

The State of the App Economy and App Markets in 202214 min read

The state of the app economy and app markets 2022. We take a look at which categories, publishers, apps, and SDKs have been dominating the mobile app landscape.

Let’s Discuss Connected TV (CTV) App Intelligence at DMEXCO 2022!3 min read

From September 21st - 22nd, our team will be in Cologne, Germany attending DMEXCO 2022, Europe’s leading digital marketing and tech event.

Meet the 42matters Team at DMEXCO 2022!2 min read

We’re heading to Digital Marketing Exposition & Conference (DMEXCO) 2022. If you want to discuss how mobile and connected TV (CTV) app intelligence can help AdTech, lead generation, and cyber security, set up a meeting with our team!

Sales & Marketing

The Best of 2021 — A List of App Stores for Android Apps8 min read

Way back in 2008, in the earliest days of the mobile app economy, Android apps could only be found on Google Play. Today, however, there are a variety of third-party app stores for Android apps. We’ve ranked the most popular. In this article, we provide brief descriptions of each of the top app stores for Android apps. While this is by no means an exhaustive exercise, it is nevertheless a great place to start for those researching the reach of Google’s mobile app and game footprint. Moreover,

G2 Fall 2021 Report: 42matters Explorer Named High Performer in ‘Mobile Analytics’ and ‘Mobile App Analytics’2 min read

The 42matters Explorer [], a leading app intelligence tool providing insight into more than 15 million published and unpublished apps available on Google Play and the Apple App Store, was named a High Performer in ‘Mobile Analytics’ and ‘Mobile App Analytics’ in G2’s Fall 2021 Report []. 42matters is a provider of mobile app data and app store insights, offering a unique arsenal of app intelligence solutions. These include APIs, fil

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App Intelligence Data

Flexible Access to 42matters' App Intelligence Data


Visually explore app intelligence for any iOS, Android, or Roku app.



Programmatic access to mobile and CTV app intelligence.

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