China Mobile App Statistics NaN
Chinese flag iconPlay Store icon

Mobile App Market Statistics for Android

Which Chinese apps would you like to explore?

In this article, we provide a number of detailed app statistics and insights from the Chinese Android app market. We cover a number of topics, including how many Chinese app publishers are active on Google Play StoreGoogle Play, how many apps they have released, and how Chinese apps have performed compared to the global average. The data is aggregated based on address, meaning only app publishers with valid Chinese addresses listed on Google Play have been considered.

 Mobile App Market Statistics in NaN for Android image

App Market Overview: Chinese Mobile Apps on Google Play

Discover how prevalent Chinese mobile Apps and App publishers are on Google Play StoreGoogle Play. For an overview of the latest stats and insights, visit the pages below!

App Ratings: Chinese Mobile Apps

Chinese mobile Apps average 0.00
Stars icon
out of 5 stars.
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Apps Versus Games: China

<1% of apps released by Chinese publishers are apps and <1% are games.
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How Do Chinese Mobile App Developers Monetize their Apps?

Chinese mobile App publishers Coin icon monetize their apps in the following ways:

  • <1% of Apps must be purchased.
  • <1% leverage mobile advertising.
  • <1% have in-app purchases.

Globally, however, mobile App publishers Coin icon monetize their apps like so:

  • <1% of Apps must be purchased.
  • <1% leverage mobile advertising.
  • <1% have in-app purchases.
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How Many Chinese Mobile Apps Are Available on Both iOS and Android?

<1% of Chinese mobile App publishers have released Apps on both Google PlayGoogle Play and the iTunesApple App Store.
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The Most Popular SDKs and Android App Permissions

Explore the most common SDKs and permissions used by Chinese Android Apps. Uncover the top trending tools and access requirements within the industry.

Most Popular Mobile Apps: China

We’ve ranked the Trophy icon top Chinese mobile Apps from the most popular Google PlayGoogle Play categories, including Social, News, Travel, Shopping, Lifestyle, and Business. We also looked at Trophy icon the most popular and top grossing Chinese mobile Apps overall.

Get Even More Mobile App Market Intelligence!

The 42matters Explorer enables you to browse the global app market, with insight into publisher details, app metadata, performance metrics, technical insights, and more.

Our suite of APIs, file dumps, and other app and SDK intelligence tools can help you dig even deeper, with intelligence compiled from 12 leading mobile and connected TV (CTV) app stores, including Google Play, the Apple App Store, Amazon Appstore, Huawei AppGallery, Tencent App Store, Roku, Apple TV, Fire TV, Google TV, Samsung Smart TV Apps, the LG Content Store, and Vizio SmartCast Apps.

To learn more, set up a demo with our app market experts!

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