Use CasesExplorer
UXCam Supercharges the Lead Lifecycle with 42matters

App analytics company UXCam relies on the 42matters Explorer to facilitate all stages of the lead lifecycle. They also use it to research the performance and market share of competitor software development kits (SDK) and launch intelligent account based marketing (ABM) campaigns targeting best-fit iOS and Android app publishers.

UXCam at a Glance

UXCam is a market leader in app experience analytics. They offer fast, contextual, and high-fidelity insights that empower mobile teams, product managers, UX designers, and engineers to make every app experience easy and effortless.

Headquarters Founded Size Used by
San Francisco, California 2014 100+ employees 35,000+ apps

Real-World Analytics for App-Forward Businesses

UXCam offers a mobile-first app experience platform that captures in-app micro-interactions and user experience data. It provides product teams with actionable insight into customer experiences, motives, and frustrations via a suite of tools and functionalities, like product intelligence, session replay, crash analytics, heatmaps, funnels, and more.

UXCam’s platform has broad appeal in the mobile app industry. Designed for app-forward businesses, they work with a wide variety of customers, including online food delivery companies; retailers and e-tailers; traditional banks, mobile banks, and financial services providers; online travel agencies and booking companies; telecommunications companies; and more.

More Verticals Meant More Headaches

However, while it certainly speaks to the merit of UXCam’s platform, targeting so many different verticals wasn’t always an easy task. The mobile app market is a big place — Google Play and the Apple App Store boast some 5.2+ million apps and 1.7+ million app publishers.

In other words, before they had the right tools, it was difficult for UXCam to identify best-fit customers with the efficiency necessary to sustain their sales pipeline. To address this, they needed to find a flexible solution that could help them navigate the mobile app market in a strategic, methodical manner.

UXCam Needed a Solution That Enabled Them To…

Identify Best-Fit Customers Support Their Global Teams Streamline Lead Qualification  Keep Tabs on Competitors 
They wanted to ensure they were targeting the right sectors and industries, so they needed the ability to filter apps by Android category and iOS genre. They wanted to empower their sales teams by giving them the ability to segment app publisher leads by country, region, address, and localization strategy. They needed a solution that could help them expedite the lead qualification process by reducing extraneous touch points and unifying relevant data points. They needed the ability to size-up their rivals, draft competitor battlecards, and identify when customers or prospects integrated competitor SDKs.

So, UXCam Turned To 42matters

More specifically, the 42matters Explorer. With our flagship mobile app intelligence platform, UXCam now has insight into 16+ million published and unpublished apps from the Apple App Store and Google Play. This includes…

  • Performance metrics, like downloads, monthly active users (MAU), ratings, reviews, and top chart rankings.
  • App store details, like app metadata, categories, genres, and IAB categories.
  • Technical insights, like integrated SDKs, permissions, and required technologies.
  • Localization information, like country availability and languages.
  • And more!

When It Comes to Bang for Buck, 42matters Can’t Be Beat

Before adopting the Explorer, UXCam struggled to find a solution that was sophisticated enough to satisfy their requirements without breaking the bank. They experimented with a handful of offerings, but were left unsatisfied by poor user interfaces, clunky filtering and lead segmentation features, rudimentary analytics, poor CRM integrations, and exorbitant subscription prices.

By contrast, the 42matters Explorer gives UXCam highly accurate mobile app and SDK intelligence on a single, unified, and exceptionally user-friendly platform. Moreover, the data is scalable, accommodates a variety of use cases, and can be easily integrated into UXCam’s CRM tools. And the best part, the Explorer is affordable. The plans are standardized, completely transparent, and designed for price predictability.

The 42matters Explorer Has Enabled UXCam To…

Optimize Lead Generation Run Targeted ABM Campaigns Save Time Qualifying Leads Proactively Nurture Accounts Perform Competitor Analysis
The 42matters Explorer offers sophisticated app filtering capabilities. UXCam uses these to create best-fit prospect lists with the most revenue potential. UXCam also uses these Explorer-generated prospect lists as highly-targeted send lists for social media advertising and other digital marketing campaigns Before 42matters, UXCam had to manually chase leads to answer basic questions. The Explorer gives them a one-stop shop for lead qualification and enrichment. UXCam’s customer success team uses the Explorer to monitor their accounts. They can track performance trends and spot when customers integrate competitor SDKs. The Explorer keeps UXCam competitive. They use it to draft data-informed battlecards, which make it easier to pursue competitor accounts and ward off poaching attempts

What Does the Future Hold for UXCam and 42Matters?

UXCam sees the immense potential of 42matters’s app intelligence and feel they’ve only begun to scratch the surface of what they can do with it. Indeed, UXCam is already considering how to diversify their use of the Explorer. For example…

  • Their sales, marketing, and customer success teams have already used it to streamline the sales cycle, but they think the platform’s flexibility can help them automate lead scoring and enrichment even further.
  • Their data science team is exploring how they can use it in future data-driven ICP (Internet Cache Protocol) projects.
  • Their product team is toying with new ways to leverage particular app insights to build stronger app analytics products and provide even more value to their customers.

In any event, it’s safe to say that the future is bright for UXCam, and it’s even brighter now that they’ve found 42matters.

Get Started With 42matters Today!

At 42matters, we provide app insights, data, and analytics via a host of useful APIs, File Dumps, and web-based app intelligence platforms, like the 42matters Explorer, and the 42matters SDK Explorer.

These tools, which you can try free for 14-days, offer a comprehensive look at app market trends and statistics. This includes in-depth, visual insights into downloads, categories, top charts, rating and review analyses, and more. This data can be downloaded as a CSV file and leveraged however you like — in your own algorithms, analyses, products, studies, etc.

If you would like to learn more about our recent updates, or any other mobile app analytics from 42matters, schedule a free demo with one of our experts!

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