PLAYBOOK: Account-Based Marketing for Mobile SDK Developers

Download the playbook now: Account-Based Marketing for Mobile SDK Developers

Account-Based Marketing (ABM) is a business marketing strategy predicated on treating individual prospects or customer accounts as “markets of one.” Unlike traditional marketing strategies, which typically fish with wider nets, ABM entails hyper-personalized outreach and focusing resources on targeted accounts within a market. This has made it an especially popular strategy for businesses that operate in the mobile and connected TV (CTV) app markets, such as mobile SDK developers, AdTech companies, and app performance analytics companies.

At 42matters, we help mobile SDK developers grow their installed base with app publisher lead generation and account-based marketing (ABM) solutions. By providing in-depth app intelligence collected from leading mobile and CTV platforms like Google Play, the Apple App Store, Amazon Appstore, Tencent Appstore, Huawei AppGallery, Roku, Apple TV, Amazon Fire TV, Google TV, LG, Samsung, and Vizio, we enable SDK developers to identify best-fit app publishers for their technology so they can launch highly-targeted campaigns using ABM techniques.

In this playbook, we cover the following:

  • What Is Account-Based Marketing (ABM)?
  • The Five Pillars of Effective ABM
  • ABM for Mobile SDK Developers
  • Top 4 Ways SDK Developers Can Benefit From ABM
  • ABM Techniques for Mobile SDK Developers
  • 42matters’ ABM Solutions for SDK Developers
  • Use Case: How to Use the 42matters Explorer to Build an Audience for ABM

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At 42matters, we provide app insights, data, and analytics via a host of useful APIs, File Dumps, and web-based app intelligence platforms, like the 42matters Explorer, and the 42matters SDK Explorer.

These tools, which you can try free for 14-days, offer a comprehensive look at app market trends and statistics. This includes in-depth, visual insights into downloads, categories, top charts, rating and review analyses, and more. This data can be downloaded as a CSV file and leveraged however you like — in your own algorithms, analyses, products, studies, etc.

If you would like to learn more about our recent updates, or any other mobile app analytics from 42matters, schedule a free demo with one of our experts!

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